Passport's John Burbank on Crypto: 'All' Institutions Will 'Have to Invest'

Burbank recommends Japan's SBI Holdings

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Mar 06, 2018
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CNBC spoke on Tuesday with Passport Capital founder John Burbank (Trades, Portfolio), who in January launched a cryptocurrency hedge fund.

His biggest cryptocurrency holdings are: bitcoin, bitcoin cash and ethereum.

"We’re doing this in an institutional way. We’re anticipating that the significant of this change, this technological change, is going to become something all institutions are going to have to invest in, are going to want to invest in,” he said.

“I do anticipate that this is going to change pretty rapidly. I think the change is going to surprise people, how much more relevant than they expected it will be,” Burbank said of the upcoming year.

In Japan, he is interested in blockchain companies, like SBI Holdings (TSE:8473, Financial), the largest ebroker.

“My biggest macro trend, belief, for the next five years it that technology is going to change every major sector in the market in the world,” he said.

Crypto, blockchain and the changing landscape of finance from CNBC.