Emerging Markets Report: Something in Sanskrit

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Jun 08, 2022

An Emerging Markets Sponsored Commentary

ORLANDO, Fla., June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today we’re pleased to return to our coverage of Clearday, Inc. (CLRD, Financial), an innovative non-acute longevity health care services company with a modern, hopeful vision for making high quality care options more accessible, affordable, and empowering for older Americans and those who love and care for them.

That’s the company descriptor, the copy it uses to explain what it does, we think, in pretty general terms. And while anyone who has been through the all-too-often heartbreak of aging parents knows how critical the level of healthcare and enrichment truly is, and how that description resonates with so very many, it leaves out a single word identifier that is now particularly relevant within the aging healthcare space.


Like robot enrichment innovator.

You read that right. Robot.

In a head-turning announcement (for us), Clearday announced that the Company has an initial fleet, yes a fleet, of proprietary robots being assembled for deployment in July of this year. Right around the corner.

The mission? A noble one indeed.

According to the release, Clearday’s “Mitra” robots “Mitra robots provide proprietary robotic services to Clearday residents with cognitive challenges as part of its continuing development of integrating innovative robotic services in senior residential communities through its Clearday Labs. The robot, Mitra, combines sophisticated robotic technologies with Clearday’s proprietary streaming services to enhance engagement and improve the quality of life for older Americans with cognitive challenges. The deployment follows its successful development of use cases of the Mitra robotic system. The use cases substantially increase the engagement of older Americans facing cognitive issues, including digital programs that are given more attention by Clearday residents than popular television and music videos.”

Jim Walesa, Chairman and CEO of Clearday, affirms the benefit to Clearday residents, stating that “Mitra robotic services include applications that greatly improve care including actively engaging residents with games, music and our proprietary digital programming. We see that the content and variety of our digital streams are greatly appreciated by our residents and are preferred to traditional broadcast options that our challengers rely on for engagement.”

In addition to the aforementioned, Mitra ALSO provides physical therapy exercises and measures performance.

The release calls to the forefront one case study that stands out to us, a singular moment where the machine meets man in a transformative capacity.

“A recent engagement with a resident supported Clearday’s robotic service mission; Mitra introduced itself to the resident who was previously not engaged, resulting in the resident playing his harmonica, playing games, and using Mitra to play music while he danced with a staff member. Additionally, the resident began exercises that were programmed by a physical therapist while Mitra tracked his exercise routine.”

We’d love to see a video of that moment but will settle for asking Clearday to show us some examples of Mitra engaging residents going forward.

And in case you were wondering what “Mitra” means, we looked it up and in Sanskrit “Mitra” means “friend.”

Sounds about right.

For more information, visit www.myclearday.com

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